13 thoughts on “Congratulations to Malala on Winning the Nobel Peace Prize!

  1. a wonderful story – our seventh graders learned about her and her struggles for equality… sadly I think the message was lost for them as most 12-13 year olds don’t yet have the capacity to think beyond themselves and realize how important the opportunity to learn is.. for me, it wasn’t until i was much older and my brain was fully developed that i understood what i had, and what I had missed. She is an inspiration. Thanks for the reminder.

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    • Well maybe something is retained subconsciously in the minds of those 12 & 13 year olds? I’m gonna be optimistic and say YES! They’ll “get it” when they need too and you gave them the beginning thread to find their way. But yes, she is an inspiration and I hope to be a little bit like her some day… changing the world for the better seems like a good goal in general! 🙂


    • Thank you for posting this Wolfie. I had seen this before, but just watched it again. Honestly, I don’t know where she comes from either (as Jon Stewart says). But I am so glad she is here. She is truly amazing. A gift for all of us!


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